It all started when I was nominated for "most likely to be independently wealthy" in junior high.
Who knew those silly little popularity contests had the ability to make such a big impact! As crazy as it sounds, that phrase became a part of my identity for years to come. I even attribute it as the launching pad to starting my multiple companies. So grateful.
it was all I EVER wanted to be. I had dreamt of what my life would look like with a newborn for as long as I could remember.
...and yet when it arrived, it didn't look like anything I had pictured. I didn't bring Ryder in tho the world securely. I was struggling, BIG TIME.
I went from dancing in the NFL with a 6 pack, the picture of health. To being barely recognizable to myself in the mirror...
I had gained over 80 pounds and felt horrible. Physically and mentally. To make matters worse, we were struggling financially. We were in a down-turned economy, and my (now ex) husband had lost his lucrative job. I knew it was up to me to figure something out financially.
I had no clue what I was doing, but of course I knew I had to choose option 2.
I had to do it for myself. Even though I was a first time mom, a mess physically and mentally, I had to step up. I had to put my big girl panties on (both literally and figuratively)... I had always been a high achiever, always a leader, always the glass is half full kind of person.
for childcare and take a traditional 9-5 job, miss out on everything I ever wanted and be unfulfilled in my life.
create my own
where I called the shots. And more importantly, make my own schedule and be home with Ryder.
"WHY NOT ME?" I had seem so many others go before me and become a success story.
So many other hard working moms that also proudly wore the CEO hat.
It was now time to get to work. I needed a business idea, I wrote out a list of things I was great at, things I loved. I allowed myself to DREAM BIG. Anytime fear would creep in, I would kindly send it on its way. I WAS DETERMINED to make this work so I could stay home with Ryder and be the mom I always wanted to be.
down at my scribbled list, these jumped out at me. Fitness, community, leader, science, personal development, and mental health. A fitness company? A coach? But wait, I was now 80+ pounds overweight?!!
Fast forward to about a million deep breaths, lots of heavy weight lifting, cardio mania (which was the go-to at the time before the industry got smart in their research. lol) and a whole lot of courage... my first company, Boot Camp Babes, was born!
Here we are at our very first big event, our Christmas Party! I wish I could bottle up how I felt that day and then sprinkle that feeling onto every aspiring entrepreneur I know today. The hard work, all the fear, the growth... all of it, is WORTH it!
I had been cash flow positive in a multiple 6 figure business for 6 months when this photo was taken. I had lost my own weight, and helped hundreds of women do the same in the process. Truly a dream!
It was now crystal clear to me. Every woman that I brought into my community was also searching for purpose. Also searching for something bigger. They just needed guidance. They didn't know where to start.
They received a fun, amazing workout at camp, yes. But what they didn't even know they needed made the most impact. It was never about how to do a perfect bicep curl... it was 100 percent about getting their minds right. What were their dreams? What were their goals? Because I had been in their shoes, and because I was on the other side of creating my first successful company, I KNEW I could help them too! There were so many women that also wanted to earn an income and stay home with their kids. I was able to show them THEY COULD TOO. And I haven't stopped helping women realize their dreams in life, or business, ever since. I honestly cannot believe it has been almost 2 decades!
my heart
Imperfection is , madness is , and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than
— marIlyn monroe
I would love the opportunity to help! This could be the start of something BIG for you. And honestly, I'm obsessed with making sure you figure it out! Because just like me, you deserve to live the life you have always imagined too. It is within reach!
through a journey that runs parallel to mine. Nothing makes me smile more than helping you realize your worth. Standing beside you as your hype-woman, pulling you up the ladder to your own success and happiness! All while keeping God at the center.
I think it is important to really know the background of any mentor you choose to work with. Do they have the proper credibility to help guide you? Have they been in your shoes? Here's a little more of my story.
A Year for the Record Books!
Honored with the prestigious award, 30 under 30 successful entrepreneurs in the state of Arizona. Earned my first 6+ figures in 6 months.
I wanted to become an expert in the online space, so I could add more value to my business consulting clients.
Investing in yourself if so important! I wanted to keep growing as a business coach. I was accepted into Brendon Burchard's mastermind, completed Marie Forleo's B-School, Stu McLaren's Tribe, Amy Porterfield's programs and attended Tony Robbin's UPW.
Went on to build a second Network Marketing team and surpassed that achievement.
There is nothing better than gathering live together! Still one of my favorite events to date! Community + Women in business = Yes Please! :)
Perfected my 1:1 High Ticket Coaching Program
I haven't stopped loving my Private Mentorship clients since. I love serving on an intimate level.
Affiliate Marketing really took off in the marketplace
Had to throw my hat in the ring of course, so I could help my clients do the same! Added "Instagram influencer" to my resume.
Our Faith Filled Leadership Communites began to take shape
Everything up until this point prepared me to serve at the highest level in our programs. We focus on High Performance for Leaders in the areas of health, wealth and relationships. We can't live out our God sized vision without excelling in each important area.
Love serving you!
I've personally invested over $1M+ in coaching, because I KNOW how important it is. My favorite part of what I do is passing what I have learned onto YOU.
Elevate your business or lay a solid foundation for your online business. With a degree in Therapy, several of my own start ups under my belt, + one exit, combined with almost 2 decades of business experience leading other high achieving leaders, I know I can be of immense value to you as your personal mentor.
I can walk beside you and show you EXACTLY what to do next for your specific situation. Can you see me smiling and waving my arms over here? I would be honored to help!